SYLVAIN PAUL | Music Director
Sylvain Paul is a junior from California's state capitol, here to Direct the Harmonics' Music as some kind of Music Director. He did not become the music director just to dye his hair red. No one can prove it. He is loyal to his home tenor section, but also joins the upper voices on occasion out of nostalgia for his time as a power alto, and out of the ever-present desire of tenors to hit high notes that no one asked for. When he's not in his role as the Harmonics' Manic pixie Dream boy (MD for short), he'll usually be found in a busy cafe somewhere with a chai latte and a book. His favorite is science nonfiction, but he has also been found with foreign language guides, science-regular-fiction, and on more than one occasion, a math textbook. By night (or when he is supposed to be working but doesn’t want to), he spends his time arranging peculiar songs into alt-rock a capella and working on his many over-complicated creative writing projects.
Andrew munya | business manager
Andrew is a sophomore hailing from Utica, Michigan (GO BLUE!), and he is also this year's business manager. He is *the* resident bass(1) and an honorary mezzo soprano. Though he was once an aspiring ChemE major, after coming face-to-face with the horrors of organic chemistry, he now finds himself drawn towards SymSys. His hobbies include sleeping, listening to prog metal, and Minecraft. As a new arranger, he is ready to begin shoving his awful music taste down the rest of the Harmonics' throats.
Adam young | financial officer
Adam is a sophomore from Georgia who plans to major in Computer Science. He is this year’s financial officer, and he sings tenor and baritone. He is a kind-hearted and beautiful individual who cares a lot about his friends. Nemi wrote this bio for him, because he hasn’t written his bio yet. Nemi really hopes that he writes his bio soon, because we really want to know more about Adam.
Joaquin galindo | performance director
Joaquin Galindo is a junior double majoring in Computer Science and Religious Studies. They are from Seattle, Washington, which might explain why they have a harder time driving in bright sunshine than in rain. They sing alto, beatbox, do metal screams, arrange music, and choreograph for the Harmonics (wow. they're really in over their head). Some of their hobbies include rock climbing, swing dancing, and playing tabletop games. If you like joy, laughter, and whimsy, you should ask them about how juggling changed their life!
Violet Crow | Publicity director
Violet is a junior from Pennsylvania, and half of this year's Publicity Director. She sings bass (ii) and enjoys poetry, jazz, theatre, computers, and video games. Her major is Symbolic Systems with a concentration in Human-Computer Interaction. You can find her wherever free pizza is being served, and wherever obscure soda is plentiful.
Nemi nayak | Publicity director
Nemi dragged himself from LA to the Bay Area once again to be the other half of this year’s Publicity Director. This is his fourth year in the Harmonics and he has, far too much information about Harmz for it to be healthy in any way. He is a current tenor/baritone, former alto, main vocal percussionist, and the group's head arranger. He is an Engineering Physics major with a minor in Chinese Language and Culture, and he puts off thinking about graduating this spring by thinking about the Harmonics instead. When he isn't churning out new arrangements for the group or in distress solving his latest physics assignments, you can find him spending ridiculously long amounts of time with his wonderful Harmz family.
Emma li
Emma is a Junior from Shanghai studying Human Biology. In the Harmonics, she sings soprano and sometimes mezzo or alto. Outside the Harmonics, she sings in her dorm and probably annoys her neighbors. She loves taking probiotics, and if you bump into her while she’s having one, she will probably offer you one to try. You can often find her eating kikka sushi in Tressidder. Come chat about whatever’s on your mind, she’d love to hear you talk about anything! Just be careful to keep your computer away from her or she will start cleaning it (with 75% alcohol wipes). She thinks you are absolutely wonderful and hopes your day is as bright as a properly sanitized screen.
Andrew caosun
Andrew "Caosun" Caosun is a first-year PhD student in Management Science and Engineering from New York City. A tenor from New York City, he has tried (and failed) to change his music taste away from musical theatre and show tunes. Aside from singing, Caosun has two main hobbies: Playing League of Legends and telling other people not to play League of Legends; it's a terrible, terrible game and it WILL ruin your life.
Jessie qiu
Jessie is a first year master student in the Mechanical Engineering department with a dream of going to space. She sings alto, mezzo, soprano and is currently trying to arrange for the harmonics. She love crocheting, listening to music ranging from classical to rock, cooking, baking, and watching TV shows. If you find her not doing any of the above things nor studying, she's probably too attached to video games.
Katya Sander
Katya is a senior from Goshen, Kentucky, studying Human Biology and preparing to be a psychologist (aka read your mind and tell you why you're as weird as her). She sings alto even though she's really not that tall (spanish joke, jaja). When she’s not harmonizing with Harmz, you can probably find her harassing every fluffy dog she encounters on campus, bedazzling her... water bottle, or hanging out upside down (still holding onto her glory days as a gymnast on the farm, just leave her be). All in all, she’s living proof that unhinged energy, chaotic hobbies, and a touch of sparkle can make life a 10/10 experience.
Zach sutherland
Zach is a first year Master's student in Mechanical Engineering who sings tenor in the harmonics. He originally is from the faraway land of Chicago but did his undergrad in the less-far-away UC San Diego. When not singing or drowning in engineering problem sets, you can find him playing racket sports or locking in with his 6 person competitive Mario Kart team in worldwide tournaments (yes those are a thing and they're awesome). He also loves to test his gaming skills by getting platinum trophies in difficult platformers, his favorite genre of game.
Alexis tuchinda
Alexis is a freshman from Los Altos, CA. Thinking of CS, thinking of TAPS for major/minor or double-major—only time will tell. Life outside Harmz is not very different from inside rehearsals: she sings all the time, and lives, laughs, loves musical theatre. Talk to her about musicals, Star Trek, and Pentatonix at your own risk.
ALL members
Leslie Abramson
Emma Petty Addams
Jennifer Aguilar
David Altman
Grayson Armour
Yared (Yayo) Avalos
Almog Aybar
Erin Baumann
Mike Bautista
Kaylee Beam
Dylan Bedford
Debarun Bhattacharjya
Jonathon Borja
Rose Bracken
Alexandra (Alex) Breschini
Austin Brown
Joshua (Josh) Buchi
Will Budreau
Devon Burger
Greg Campbell
Marcella White Campbell
Andrew Caosun
Jace Casey
Christine Olivas Cassidy
Khar Liang Chan
Sheena Chandran
Evan Chen
Loren Cheng
Suah Cho
HannahZoe Chua-Reyes
Zack Cinquini
Marvin Collins
Sierra Corcoran
Chiara Cortez
Elena Crespo
Cliff Crosland
Violet Crow
Ben Cunningham
Davinson (Davin) Curtis
Ben D'Angelo
Leslie Dawe
Alan De la Mora
Andrew Deeringer
Kelly Devens
Alon Devorah
Kyle Duarte
Amy DuBose
Raj Duvvuri
Karyn Easton
Allegra Echeverria
Josh Eisner
Kaan Ertaş
Mia Farinelli
Davey Feder
Leo Feng
Arturo Ferrari
Mattie Sloss Ferreri
Chris Fesenmaier
LanaLei (Lana) Fiaui
Abigail Flowers
Zach Foreman
Charli Forkish
Joaquin Galindo
Ariel Glassman
Chris Goetz
Rocio Gonzalez
Holly Goodliffe
Sarah Grandin
Ella Gray
Vibhu Guru
Shannon Pierce Guymon
Natalie Harris
Nick Hawkins
Ken Ho
Wei Ho
Renee Hoch
George Hoffman
Julia Berkley Hoffman
Daniel Holbert
Ryan Hopkins
Cleopatra Howell
Kevin Huang
Pat Hurley
Katy Hyde
Teresa Ingram
Marcus Jackson
Jessica Jacobs
Charlotte Smith Jessop
Caleb Jordan
Connor Jordan
Egill Jüliusson
Yeji Jung
Preeti Kakani
Sarah Rudolph Kamp
Russell Kamp
Brian Kane
Shawn (Zixuan) Kang
Esther Kang Lin
Deepti Kannan
Paritosh Kanoria
Matthew Kaufman
Lina Khoeur
Jeanie Kim
Jenn Kim
Luke Knepper
Griffin Koontz
Parthiv Krishna
Mark Kwon
Helena Lamb
Charlie Lamb
Daria Lamberson
Jane Lange
Bob Lantz
David Larson
Ben "Blau" Lauing
Julia Laurence
Ellen Le
Audrey Leung Lengbeyer
Christine Nguyen Lerios
Zareen Poonen Levien
Marcia Levitan
Kevan Lewis
Emma Li
Amy Weinberg Lieberman
Amanda Lim
Frank Lin
Kali Lindsay
Meg Aycinena Lippow
Ben Lipson
Vivian Liu
Lily (Zimeng) Liu
Joanna Salgado Liwanag
Erica Lozoya
Miranda Lee Lumpkin
Elise MacMillan
Shawn Manuel
Leo Martel
Kaile Maske
Chris Mathy
Maia McAleavey
Alyson Barham McCormick
Fiona Lawson McCrea
Kate McGrath (Hill)
Kimberly Goodwin McGraw
Lillian Mecum
Jossie Medina
Lyn Mehe'ula
Alejandra Mesa
Hannah Goldie Mestel
Sarah Meyer
Elise Miller
Andrew Min
Dan Morris
Myles Morrison
Andrew Munya
Nemi Nayak
Annie Ng
Jade Nguyen
Sawyer Niehaus
James Ordner
Jackie Ou
Río Padilla-Smith
Vicki Parikh
Sylvain Paul
Eve Peters
Ryan Henderson Pilat
Jessie Qiu
Gautam Raghavan
Lauren (Ren) Ramlan
Melissa Rapp
Morgan Reed
Radhika Dasmahapatra Rible
Katherine Robertson
Maia Rocklin Flat
Nicholas (Nick) Rodriguez
Matt Rubin
Robbie Ruelas
Dane Saksa
Madeleine Salem
Brian Salomaki
Joss Saltzman
Katya Sander
Jordan Sanders
Alicia McCann Sanders
Simon Shachter
Benjamin Share
Damon Silver
Lara Smith
Evan Smith
Elijah Spiegel
Jeff Spivack
Joe Sponsler
Laura Staum
Scott Stephenson
Katy Storch
Kristin Strohmeier
Chris Sun
Thaila Sundaresan
Zach Sutherland
Carlyn Sylvester
Kay Takamura
Bryan Tan
Kevin Tan
Sean Tannehill
Monica Thieu
Caleb Thomas
Claire Thompson
Tianna Trepte
Frank Tseng
Alexis Tuchinda
Brittney Vasquez (Hall)
Brian Walter
Sam Weyen
Melissa Wheeler
Gene Wong
Brooke Dooley Ybarra
Mike Ybarra
Adam Young
Bianca Yu
Lemiece Danya Zarka
Mitchell Zimmerman
Peter Zou